1) If you paid "out- of- pocket" for Dental or vision, this year, contact a Steward or Officer with details. We are compiling a list.
2) Welcome New Shop Stewards Cindy Currin and Michelle Russell !!!
3) Local 608's next Union meeting is next Thursday, February 20th at 7pm. There is also an E-board Meeting at 5pm.
1) if you are interested in Suplimental Insurance start looking for the sign-up sheet and get your name on it... an agent is entertaining the idea of coming out in April.
2) Visit our International's web-site to learn more about all there is union at www.usw.org or pick up some Usw Swag!!!
3) Don't forget to attend your locals monthly meetings!!! You may learn something and/or win a prize!! (Se the Union Meeting Schedule page.)
If you have any questions on this, please attend a Regular Meeting of your local, as posted under the "Meeting Times" tab.
Looking at running a trial of in April, starting on the 7th, Local 608's Meetings will be the first and third Mondays of each month. Come to a meeting and voice your thoughts.
Local 712's Meetings are the first and third Tuesdays of each month.
The Lewis/Clark Central Labor Council is always the 3rd Tuesday each month.
1618 Idaho Street, Ste. 108, Lewiston, Idaho 83501, United States
Open on your Locals meeting Nights or by appointment.
United Steelworkers Local 608
United Steelworkers Local 608 & 712 - 1618 Idaho Street, Ste 108 - Lewiston, ID 83501 US